Light Wedge Book Light

If you love reading. This is just for you. A former co-worker blogged something about this book light last year and I thought it might be cool to have one. Here is what I can say about the product.

Cool side

  • Lightweight and compact design
  • Light is concentrated on the book and not anywhere else
  • Good illumination
  • Can be used as a bookmark when not in use

Down side

  • You have to move the book light as you turn each page (I don’t really mind)
  • The glass scratches easily (see picture 2. the white splotches are scratches). The scratches can be pretty annoying.

Over all I like the Book light it's very convenient to use however, it easily gets scratches (arrrg!). I hope they can improve on the material used for the lens. for more info you can check out the Light Wedge ( of course its all praises for this product)

2 Responses
  1. sundowndos Says:

    hmmm... interesting gadget... but yeah... the scratches would probably get annoying real quick...

  2. Euri Says:

    Oi! Nice! Pero hindi pwede sakin to eh. Burara ako sa gamit. Puro scratches na siya nun. Haha